If prostatitis is not treated in time and products that increase potency are not consumed, the infection can spread to the surrounding organs and tissues, which can eventually lead to impotence and infertility.
To understand how to increase potency, you must first understand what this pathology is.

Impotence - impotence - a sign of early aging of the body, requires increased physical activity, getting rid of excess weight, strengthening the nervous system.
This is the result of a violation of the function of the genital organs, the endocrine system, the peripheral nervous system and the higher part of the brain, severe experiences, and can also be associated with various urological diseases, etc. With age, the possibility of impotence increases due to chronic diseases, taking various drugs, a decrease in the function of the endocrine glands, a decrease in desire, etc. To overcome the disease in such cases is quite difficult.
Congenital impotence is very rare. In general, maintaining potential at the proper level is the duty of every self-respecting man.
Reduced potency contributes to: alcoholism, long-term smoking, drug use, prostatitis, which is most often caused by non-burned infectious diseases, especially chlamydia, as well as an irregular sex life. In addition, sexual desire reduces the use of drugs that suppress the central nervous system.
Sexual activity has peaks and troughs depending on time, mood, state of health, excessive physical activity, which "removes" a large amount of sex hormones and reduces potency for a while. Therefore, temporary problems with sexual desire are not always a sign of impotence.
The cause of the problem with potency may be a lack of nutrients in hormone metabolism. The sex hormone that provides stimulation during sexual intercourse is supplied by the pituitary gland of the brain (its weight does not exceed 0. 5 g). Since this gland needs to produce 8 more hormones, it needs to be supplied with many nutrients: niacin (vitamin B3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), vitamins C, E, and the trace element zinc.
The answer to the question: "how to increase the potential? " next:
For the production of sex peptides and histamine (helps to achieve orgasm), protein is needed, for this, for breakfast and dinner, you need to eat food rich in protein (cold roast, fish, chicken white meat, etc. ) in abundance. from fruits.
Blood dishes (fried blood, black pudding) that contain large amounts of histidine are good food products. From it, in the process of metabolism, the sex hormone histamine is produced.
A lot of histidine is also found in cheese. To supply the body with niacin, brewer's yeast is recommended, which, along with zinc, also contains pantothenic acid and many other vitamins and microelements. There are various recipes for the treatment of impotence in traditional medicine.
Products that increase potency
Very helpful in such cases, the composition of mint, clover, St. wort. St. John's wort and nettle. Mix 5 tsp. plants listed, pour a mixture of 1 liter of boiling water and insist in a thermos for 20 minutes. Filter and drink 1 glass 3-4 times a day. Nettle and mint are desirable to tear on wet soil, St. wort. St. John's wort and clover - in dry areas.
Cut a piece 2-2. 5 cm long from the "hand" of the ginseng root (if the root is of poor quality, cut 4 cm from any part). Grind it and insist on 0. 5 liters of well-purified vodka. Drink the tincture, starting the next day, 1 tablespoon. l. 3 times a day before meals. When the tincture remains less than 1/20 of the original volume, add vodka to the original volume and mix everything thoroughly. You can add vodka 2-3 times. After three times, you need to take a piece of fresh ginseng and make the tincture again. If you managed to buy ready-made ginseng drops at the pharmacy, it is recommended to take 30 drops 3 times a day after meals.
Anyone who understands the products that contribute to the normalization of potency, he daily takes an infusion of St. John's wort (1 tbsp. Herb with flowers in a glass of water) 1/2 cup 3 times a day.
Mix 50 ml of aralia tincture, 50 ml of ginseng tincture, 50 ml of zamaniha tincture, 30 ml of radiola rosea extract and 30 ml of eleutherococcus extract. Drink 30 drops of the mixture 3 times a day after meals.
Mix 100 g of yarrow herb, 50 g of calamus root and 50 g of fenugreek seeds. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 tbsp. l, mix, insist 1 hour, cool and filter. Drink 3 cups of infusion every day.
Boil in 0. 5 l grape wine (port) 5 tbsp. l. nettle seeds for 5 minutes and leave for 30 minutes. Drink 50 ml before going to bed.
From sexual impotence, the following remedy is very effective: boil 4 tablespoons in 0. 5 liters of grape wine or in the same amount of milk. l. zheleznitsa herb (white-flowered pumpkin) for 5 minutes, leave for 30 minutes and strain. Drink 50 ml before going to bed.
Boil cooked fenugreek seeds in honey, dry and grind into powder. Take at the tip of a knife with asparagus seed infusion 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Asparagus seed infusion is prepared as follows: round red ball seeds (12-15 seeds), removed after the grass has withered, crushed and brewed with 1 cup of boiling water, leave overnight in a thermos and drink 1/4 cup 3 -4 times a day for 30minutes before eating.
Mix 30 g each of toad grass, Iceland moss, lemon balm leaves and salve. Mix 1 cup of boiling water with 1 tbsp. l. mixture, insist, wrap, 2 hours and filter. Drink 3 cups of infusion every day.
Grind the cedar wool seeds into a powder, adding water gradually until a white emulsion is formed. Take 3 times a day, 100 ml 20 minutes before meals.
Pour 0. 5 l of vodka into 100 g of finely chopped leuzea root (maral root) and leave for 45 days at room temperature. Drink from 20 drops to 1 teaspoon. 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals, in the evening - at least 5 hours before bedtime. The treatment course is 2 months, 10 days break. Do not treat during summer.
Mix 10 g of calendula, 20 g of immortelle flowers, 30 g of St. wort. John's wort and 25 g of valerian rhizome. Mix 1 cup of boiling water with 1 tbsp. l. collection, insisted 1 hour and filtered. Another way: pour the collection with cold boiled water, leave for 8 hours and filter. Drink 1 tbsp. l. in a day.
Use an aqueous infusion of mugwort (wormwood): mix 1 cup of boiling water 1 tsp. wormwood seeds and leave overnight in a thermos. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. You can use wormwood tincture: pour 0. 5 liters of vodka 5 tbsp. l. seeds and insist 21 days, shaking occasionally. Strain and drink 1 tablespoon. l. 3-4 times a day 20 minutes before meals. You can also grind wormwood seeds into a powder and take 1 tsp. l. 3-4 times a day, washed with fragrant woodruff root decoction. Grind the roots in a mortar, mix 1 cup boiling water 1 tsp. chopped roots and cook in a water bath under the lid for 30 minutes. Drink during the day.
It is also recommended to eat every day for 2-3 doses of 1 glass of walnut seeds, washed down with goat's milk (2 cups in total). The course of treatment is 1 month.
Mix 300 ml of boiling water with 1 tablespoon. l. crushed Siberian asparagus root, boil for 5 minutes on low heat and insist overnight in a thermos. In the morning and evening, drink 50-60 ml, and before dinner, drink the rest of the soup.
Mix 1 cup of boiling water with 2 tsp. crushed crow's eye grass roots, heat on low heat for 5 minutes, add 1 tsp. honey, stir and leave for 30 minutes. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day. Use milk instead of water.
Mix 1 cup of boiling water with 2 tsp. broad-leaved white orchis root (black root has the opposite effect), cook on low heat for 10 minutes, leave for 30 minutes and strain. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
Boil 20 g of herbs and periwinkle flowers with 1 cup of boiling water, cook for 5 minutes on low heat and leave for 30 minutes. Drink 8 drops in the morning and evening for 4 days, then take a break for 2 days and again run a four-day course. Continue taking drops at intervals until the entire decoction is used.
Brew 1 cup boiling water 1 dess. l. crush fragrant bedstraw root (yellow pulp), cook on low heat for 5 minutes, leave for 30 minutes and filter. Take 1/4 cup 30 minutes before meals.
Water can be replaced with wine. Carrots should be included in the daily diet. Pour 0. 5 liters of vodka 1 tbsp. l. crushed peony roots avoid (Maryina roots) and insist 21 days at room temperature. Drink 1 teaspoon. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
Mix 1 cup of boiled milk with 2 tablespoons. l. grated carrot, put it on the fire and keep it on low heat for 10 minutes. Take 3 times a day for 100 g.
Pour 1 liter of vodka with 100 g of calamus root and leave for 2 weeks in a dark place at room temperature. Drink 30 ml 3 times a day.
With sexual impotence and to increase urine output, 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, take 1. 5 g of crushed anise seeds.
Shilajit, mixed with carrot juice (calculated as 0. 5 g of mumijo per 250 ml of juice), increases male sexual potential and promotes fertilization of barren women.
For a strong increase in potency in men, a mixture of mummy with honey, egg yolk, and herbal juice helps.
In case of seminal incontinence, rub the spine in the lumbar region with beaver or lizard fat.
Lovage root (fajar officinalis), infused with alcohol or vodka, acts as a strong diuretic, invigorates the body, strengthens heart activity, stimulates blood supply to the pelvic organs, and prevents premature ejaculation. Rinse the extracted roots thoroughly and dry them in the attic or under the canopy. Infusion for 14 days 100 g of crushed roots per 300 ml of alcohol or strong vodka (at least 60%). Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals. It should be drunk slowly, savoring, so that the tincture moistens the oral mucosa well. Raw root is more effective than dried.
Increases male sperm count and increases claw potential. Brew 1 cup of boiling water 0. 5 tsp. crushed roots and tossed in a water bath for 30 minutes. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 5-6 times a day.